Saturday, September 11, 2010

Loving Grey's as Much as Before

Catching up on Season 6 of Grey's Anatomy - I was supposed to catch it way back.

Unarguably still my favorite TV series ever. Intricate webs of relationships, emotional, touching and feel-good vibes, good looking cast who CAN act, babbling of medical terms; they have it all :)

As an afterthought, the turn of events in the final episode was really shocking.
I sat for many sedated seconds before regaining myself. 

 - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. grey's always makes me cry and sob! haha. always end up gg to work with swollen eyes! i love it too! though i must say the first 3 seasons were the best....then it kinda went a little downhill...but it's still good. :)

  2. Me too!! Love shows that speaks a lot on friendship and r/s. Hey we have a few common areas when it comes to the songs/singers/tv series we like!

    And I agree with you totally, but I still can't wait for Season 7 to be released. Tell you, I was feeling emotionally lost for a while waiting for the new season to screen, can you believe that?

  3. haha i can totally believe that. i always feel so lost at the end of the season! but...guess what!! the 1st episode of season 7 starts tomorrow!!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!

  4. You serious??!!! But I don't have SCV! Gonna wait for it to be uploaded :(
