Saturday, July 31, 2010

Secret by One Republic

Watched The Sorcerer's Apprentice and the thing that really got to me was the theme song by One Republic - playing now as you read. Thought I really kinda like it. 

Monday, July 26, 2010

Power to Resist

I am so proud of myself.

I actually went through 4 blogshop launches, to emerge unscathed!
Very proud of the ability to sift between what I want and will wear, and what I want but may not wear, and save some money (to buy from other future launches!). Heheheheheheh. Faint.

If you can't beat me, join me.

Friday, July 16, 2010

I am an i-subscriber now

Yay I got my iPhone! 3GS of course. Was supposed to wait for one long year till next May for my contract to expire, but had this crazy notion to go enquire.

Guess what? 32GB at $0. All because I signed for higher plan, which I don't happen to pay more, because I used my corporate discount of 30%. Now that's a good deal.

I pray and confess that this iPhone 3GS will belong and stay with owner XXXX XXX XXXX of NRIC No. XXXXXXXXX for at least 2 years, it will be faithful and loyal, and not fall in any other person's hands or possession. God You will preserve it's longevity and it's life with me. In Jesus' name! AMEN!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chanel Fall

Oooohhhh...simply swooning over Chanel's Fall collection by Karl Lagerfeld. Pictures do the talking best.
Photo courtesy of

Playing with sheers in winter!
Sheer and prints - the combi is ingenious
Not referring to the fur, but the popular nude tones

Sunny island, set in the sea

Sunday 11 July 2010

Venue: Palawan Beach 

Not gonna edit any photos that has to do with the sun & sea
once in a while, go to the beach, let down your hair, however much you have...
Not the most flattering photo of me, but darn, it's with my dear E, must post!
Slurpee, you are my best friend. I have a way of drinking it that people term me weird - I always mix apple and coke flavour.
What's so weird about that? Do you have a lost childhood?

Missing or Back?

Oh my goodness! Visited my blog today and realised it had suffered horrendous neglect! My last entry was in June!! Whatever was I busy with??

Anyway, I quickly scanned my camera to investigate why I haven't been blogging. Sometimes no camwhoring opportunities = no blog =x

Here's some dated, nevertheless, updates:

Wearing a dress from BC - loved how much the colour goes wtih my skin tone
Brought a troop of friends back to the restaurant I raved about here.
I'm merely trying to illustrate that these are ONLY the starters. Simply spoilt for choice.